What Mantharaka does at the beginning of the story is that his loom broke so he had to get wood in trees to make another one. For example, Mantharaka goes to the trees. Another example, is that Mantharaka meets a spirit in the tree that he was going to cut down. A third example, is that the spirit promised him he would give him a wish for Mantharaka if Mantharaka dont cut down the tree. Clearly, what happend at the beginning of the story his loom broke and he had to go to the tree to get wood to do another loom.
What happen at the end of the story is that Mantharaka got killed by neighbors because they thought Mantharaka was a alien because he haves 2 heads and 2 arms. Mantharaka at the end of the story he tells the spirit for 1 more head and 2 more arms. Mantharaka has 2 heads and 4 arms because Mantharaka's wife said he needs to work 2 as hard as he use to. The neighbors killed Mantharaka because Mantharaka looked weird and thought he was from out of space or somewhere else but not from there. Evidently, at the end of the story Mantharaka got killed by the neighbors.
Mantharaka's action change over the time as he was asking his friend and wife what to wish for. For example, when he asked the barber what to ask the spirit for.Another example, is that he asked his wife for wishing ideas. A third example, is that Mantharaka did not like the barber's idea but he liked his wife idea. For that reason, Mantharaka's actions changed over time as he was asking his friend and wife what to wish for to the spirit.